Saturday, May 9, 2009


Some of you fuckers who have seen the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie that I've talked to have set up this argument with a discrepancy that I want to address:

Sabretooth is in the first X-Men movie, yes. But why doesn't he recognize Wolverine as his brother in that movie? He still has his memory in tact as opposed to Wolverine, who gets shot in the fucking head with adamantium bullets. So what's the deal? The explanation for this is simple. The Sabretooth in X-Men was not Sabretooth at all.

Marvel has a tendency to "make up" characters in the movies to add as filler for storylines (New Goblin) or because they're added to appease fans (Colossus). Both were the case in the first X-Men. So the Sabretooth in X-Men was only added as a muscle man for Magneto and is not the canon Sabretooth, clearly. Especially because Sabretooth has never claimed affiliation with Magneto or his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in the comics. So the Sabretooth in the Origins movie is the real Sabretooth, not that other fucking joke that was in the first X-Men movie.

That aside, I feel great now. I mean I'm still stuck here but I have an idea as to what direction I want to go in with my life and what I want to do. More importantly, I know where my heart lies. I've made it clear too. I have a feeling that my life is going to change dramatically and soon, especially with her in it.

This is all I have for now fuckfaces. If you have a band or anything that you want me to promote on my Myspace, get on there and send me a message on mine.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fonzie: The Movie

I decided to write a screenplay for a movie about the Fonz. The premises of the story is one day he's with the gang in Arnold's and he finds out that he can no longer start the jukebox by nudging it. In a panic, he locks himself in the Cunningham's tool shed and develops an extreme case of alcoholism. He finds a nice girl and settles down with her, forcing him to sell his motorcycle and get a job working at a steel mill. Flash forward to his life in his late forties. One of his old friends contacts him and tells him that he is the only guy who thinks can pull of a motorcycle stunt. So the Fonz is torn between his home life with his family and reverting to his cool guy lifestyle. Urged by his son Artie, he overcomes himself and does the motorcycle trick, therefore proving that he hadn't "jumped the shark" in his youth (which he actually did which is what coined the term) and that he still had the cool in him. Stan Lee will have cameo appearances.

I want to move. To Colorado. And I want to co-front a band with a pretty girl.

I had pizza for lunch and I feel like I am going to puke. I ate so much.

I've come to the realization that everyone in the entire world is connected somehow. It's really fucking weird.

I don't have much else to write about. I've been kind of down lately. And only one thing has ever been able to pick me up and I get the feeling that isn't going to be around for long.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2007 Sandown 500 (random wikipedia article)

I wrote another blog today about something that I really felt like I needed to address (please see the posting below this one entitled "Fact versus fiction versus yourself."). I'm not going to say much about it so just check it out for yourself. Drinking water and eating salad is good for you, as is a bowl of oatmeal and a tall glass of orange juice. Both of these things have their respective places in my day today and I feel pretty good about it. Now all I need to do is kick this nasty and severely expensive cigarette smoking habit and I'll be all set! I've been drinking warm tea all day because I brought some bags into work with me because I'm trying to cut down on my consumption of sugary carbonated beverages such as Dr. Pepper. Such a cutback will include me bringing in bottles of Vitamin Water to imbibe throughout the day. It's never easy you know: trying to watch and balance out what you eat. But then again neither is incarnating a fan favorite comic book character accurately, which has been proven twice in the forms of both Venom (in Spider-man III) and Deadpool (in X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Years later I'm still fucking baffled by the fact that the same guy who played little Eric Foreman is Eddie Brock. What a waste.

My friend Tyler posted a Pick 5 on Facebook that I HAD to screenprint:

I've never really disclosed my love for zombie movies. I've mentioned it, but it's one of my loves in life that is equivalent to and possibly greater than my love for comic books. There's just something about cannibalistic reanimated corpses. I can't explain it. There are a lot of low-budget independent horror films with zombies as the primary antagonist. Independent films are another one of my loves all in itself, so it's like having the best of both worlds. They're good to watch with a girl when you're just staying in for a movie night filled with munching on popcorn and making out. They're good for when you and your best friends are drunk and you're receiving texts from said girl and your friends are wrestling you to take your phone from you because it's "Guy's Night" (for future reference, please consult Ray Hughes and Nicolas Frye). They're great to watch by yourself when you are pumped up to go out and do something exciting but no one else is sharing your enthusiasm. The number one greatest orgasm for me has been sourced at the comic book series Marvel Zombies, which is an amalgamation of the zombie genre and Marvel superheroes where all of the superpowered human beings in the world are affected by an alien virus that turns them into flesh-eating monsters. They wipe out humanity due to the leverage that they have as superheroes. It's pretty fucking beast. If you want a good read, I suggest you check it out.

I'm going to start writing more columns for my friend's magazine Changing Times. The only thing that has been preventing me from doing so is I never have any idea what to write about. What I'm going to do is when I'm requested to write a column I'm going to ask my readers on here and my friends on Facebook and Myspace what topics I should cover in the next column. After this story is published I'm going to post it on here for everyone to read to help promote Kevin's magazine, which publishes articles from independent writers all over the Midwest on topics from everyday life to music reviews and everything of the sorts. I'll provide contact information on how to aquire a .PDF formatted copy online or a Paypal link to order a copy. But this is something I'm doing to help my friend profit free (for me and most likely for Kevin too because he has to keep the magazine coming out). So definitely check in for that.

If anyone has any topics that I should write about and submit to Kevin, let me know in a comment.

That's about all there is from me for now.

Fact versus fiction verus yourself.

Something that I've thought heavily on of late is the thought process of a person living in this time of society. When I think about it, it's troubling and somewhat disturbing. What people live their lives by and base their opinions on anymore is nothing but fact. You're probably asking yourself "Why is this such a troubling discovery?"

Because there is a lack of faith. There's a lack of people living their lives by the way that they interpret it. There's so much ignorance in society that once people find the keys that fit in their own personal key holes, there's always something or someone keeping them from turning that key and opening up that door. So much skepticism. So much criticism. So much overwhelming factual information that people can't seem to take in and digest at the same time.

Neither science or god can determine what's right for you. Only you can decide that for yourself. Which is why part of being a liberated individual is the ability to make the choice between the two. Neither science or god are the key to unlock your door. They might be what's behind that door but I look at life like this:

Life is just like any adventure. There's more to it than reaching the end and having all of your conclusions drawn. Life is about experiences. It's not about doing what you're told from books or magazines. It's not about being threatened into living a lifestyle a certain way to avoid possible damnation. It's about finding yourself and expressing yourself.

No one comes out of life unscathed. There is no perfect answer to every philosophical question out there. It's a matter of choice based on what you experience and what your morals and beliefs and values are. In order to live your life to the fullest, you need to fall down. You need to faulter in your steps. You need all of those scrapes and bruises. You can't do everything based on fact or fiction, right or wrong. You don't need to think so much and just live.

Everyone experiences life in a different way. Everyone looks at the world through different eyes than your own. Your blue could be someone else's red. So why would you listen to what someone else tells you instead of living your own life based on your own standards? It's absurd not to. What they don't teach children in Sunday schools is that wasting your life and/or living it in fear is the worst sin that you can commit, not necessarily against god but against yourself.

It brings me to these kids who follow these trends mindlessly for the acceptance of other people out of fear that they won't fit in that popular social circle. It goes for all of these people who profess their own recycled knowledge so that it is again recycled and renewed and force movements on other people that not everyone necessarily agrees with. Some of these people, when introduced to someone with a varying opinion of their own will reject and condemn anyone who believes differently from them and it's those kinds of people that fuck up society.

But then you have other people who are more embracing than these people. I've known my fair share of pastors and reverends and people who are affiliated with these sorts of movements who embrace other people in their choices and their quests to find ultimate happiness. These are people who are on this road if it's the one that you choose to help you and guide you and help you better understand the knowledge, not force it upon you. In fact, my best friend's father is a reverend and he has offered me some of the best life advice that you can get, and none of it was tinted with persuasion to pull me into the ranks of Christianity. He told me before that I need to find out the answers for life on my own. If they're in god, then that's great. If it's somewhere else, then that's just as great. There's no right or wrong answer when it comes to religion, as long as you're doing it for yourself and not other people and as long as your mind has been opened to possible other options before you walk for the rest of your life in the shoes of other people.

I'm not going to get into my own personal beliefs since that's a long talk that I never have the time for but if you want to know, there's nothing wrong with asking and I will answer you on a personal level. But I will say this: I claim no religious affiliation.

People need to put down the books and magazines, stop thinking so much and go out and live their lives and they need to just ignore all the negativity that comes along with being an individual from other people, because there's two words for people who are overly critical of others due to close-mindedness and a lack of their own individualism: arrogance and ignorance.

Don't define yourself with either one of these.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Myths about bears.

I hate the fact that whenever someone asks for advice from me and when I'm being completely honest and unbiased it gets thrown back in my face. Suddenly I am an idiot because I draw from past experiences and tendencies. I don't care. If you read this (and you know who you are) and you have a problem with the honest advice that I give you, then fuck you. Don't talk to me, don't lurk me and certainly don't act like I "owe you" anything. And DO NOT talk down to me like I'm some sort of fucking moron you stupid bitch and don't act like I'm inferior to you in any way. I'm not the one who feeds on and outright consumes people's emotions because I'm afraid of being alone. I'm not a fucking locust who moves from person to person, uses them up for all they're worth and then throws them away only to move on to "the next big thing." I'm not the insecure one. Do you REALLY want to know why you have so much trouble with guys? It's because you are NOTHING but a pretty face. You are nothing but a potential fuck-and-go to all of these fucking idiots you get emotionally involved in. Use your goddamn brain and for once, develop a personality and stop using your looks to get you everywhere. That river will run dry, darling. Sooner than you think. And when you're out on your own in the real world you'll notice how nothing you're doing right now bears any fucking significance further down the line. It's all bullshit.

Quote: "The more I found out about her, the less I wanted anything to do with her."

I had to get that out.

Anyways, Cinco De Mayo! I should be off work sitting in the sunshine on my porch drinking margaritas. This is unfair. Instead I'm at work talking about Blade Runner with one of the lot attendants, and how Harrison Ford is a fucking beast and how he should have been in more big name movies in his youth. Now he's just an old man who is highly unrecognized for many of his roles outside of Star Wars (as Han Solo. If you didn't know this already, lock yourself in a bathroom and put the end of the barrel of a shotgun in your mouth and use your toe to pull the trigger) and Indiana Jones (amazing movies until they made that most recent one which was a bucket of shit mostly because of that Even Stevens fuck).

What the fuck did Marvel Studios do to Deadpool?! (I'm just about over this).

Noon. Lunch time. I am starving.

I'm thinking about making a new screen name on AIM tonight so that people who I don't want talking to me on there can't. That's the only way it seems to keep people who suck OUT. Because you block someone and they always keep coming back with their alternate screen names that they have linked to the one that you have. So they know you blocked them. Now you're dealing with someone who is completely pissed off at you because you blocked their other name and they're giving you a piece of mind on their "LURKER NAME" which is un-fucking-cool if you ask me. It's not like a normal conversation where you can just look them in the face and tell them: "Shut the FUCK UP!" Honestly. This goes for people who creep on me and think I should date them because I'm cute, people who have absolutely nothing to say to me except telling me all of their problems and expecting for me to solve them, or incredibly insecure ex-girlfriends who want me back because I'm the "best they've ever had" (this demographic does NOT include Tayler McMillen because I actually would date her again if the circumstances as to why we are not together would make a dramatic change for the better).

Another great film that I have laid eyes upon recently was Tombstone. Though it's not the typical legendary western movie probably starring John "The Duke" Wayne, it's a pretty epic movie (for it's 1993 release time) that tells the story about the legendary Wyatt Earp and his quest to rid Tombstone, AZ of the vicious bandit cowboys (who in this movie were just a bunch of douchebags), building up to the Gunfight At O.K. Corral and the resulting justice that was laid down with a fucking iron fist by Kurt Russell.

New Star Trek movie. I'm not going to see it. They probably fucked up Deadpool in that one, too. *sigh!*

Buy this for me:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Titanus the carrier zord!

Went and saw the new X-men origins movie about Wolverine. And I dug it. I thought it was pretty sweet and filled with ACTION! in the most appropriate areas. I loved the Sabretooth/Wolverine sibling rivalry in it and thought that it was well pulled off. Sabretooth was a pretty sweet villain in the comics and I think the guy who played him in the movie did a great job. The only argument that I have is:

"What the fuck did they do to Deadpool?!"

Deadpool looks like Baraka from Mortal Kombat with those lame arm swords. And he has those optic blasts from Cyclops which is fucking stupid. He is in no way compatible with with his Marvel Comics counterpart other than his healing factor and the fact that Deadpool is an ugly, deformed motherfucker. I mean, Wade Wilson was pretty cool when he was still just flat out Ryan Reynolds (who of course is hilarious with his dry humor). But what the fuck?! Deadpool looks like something out of a Fox Kids Saturday afternoon special. He looks like a prize you'd get out of the bottom of a goddamn box of fruit loops. Jesus Christ...

I've been privileged enough to receive a digital copy of the new Oceana album, Birth Eater. I'm pretty impressed. Their new singer has a much better singing voice than his predecessor, which was the main thing that had hyped me up for this album. I'd heard him singing songs from The Tide live, but I had no idea what he sounded like all on his own, and he pulls it off. His screaming sounds a lot like the frontman from A Life Once Lost to me, but not entirely. I think he does his own thing. But the songwriting quality has improved as well. They're a lot harder than they previously were and the melodic parts are VERY improved. I like this album and if you like good melodic post hardcore, you should too.

I don't have much to write about. Everything has been going pretty much the same. I'm thinking about looking for a new job and I've already fixed myself up a nice resume to put out. What I really want to do is go back to school though because I feel like I've found my niche in writing and I want to refine that talent and put it to use and perhaps make it into a career. I feel like my heart is into writing enough that I would take down four more years of school, get that credential and be able to do it for the rest of my life. All I need to do is:

a) Take my SATs. Because in high school I somehow missed out on doing that. Don't ask me how it happened, but I skipped so much school that I believe I was underprivileged in my studies. I DID have to do an entire year's worth of English work in about a quarter of a semester which was lame. I love English but too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
b) I need to apply for FAFSA for tuition assistance from the government. Provided my status as a military veteran, I might qualify for more money and tuition assistance. And given my grades in high school (which were good. not STELLAR but good), I could probably qualify for scholarships.
c) I need to apply for the college and get everything situated with on-campus housing. I can't wait to live in a dorm, hopefully not with a complete stranger! Maybe I could pair up with Ben or Drew or something. But I doubt it. Oh well...

But this is what my heart is set on right now. This is what I want to do with my life and I need to research it and put it all on the table and discuss it with my dad. I almost went to Full Sail a long time ago (which I'm glad that I didn't because I don't think I would have been satisfied with the turnout of going to school there). But I'm taking this seriously and getting all of the knowledge I need to make this a possibility so I can start in the fall semester.

I write nothing but garbage lately. I need to step it up and go out and find some sort of inspiration. Something to write about that is worth writing about. A writer is no good when he has nothing to write about, so something has to give.

What the fuck did they do to Deadpool?!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I forgot what day of the week it is.

I took some time today to sit out in the yard underneath a tree and write some poetry while drinking a nice glass of lemonade. I'm so happy that the weather is looking up lately. But it's weird how being outside alone can give you inspiration. If you're a writer or a poet, I would advise doing this as much as you possibly can.

One thing that caught my attention is bees. Bees are a very sad thing when you think about and personify them. If you give them emotions, they have to be one of the saddest creatures on the face of the earth. It's not their intention or instinct to be sad. But an entire hive of bees and only one of them mates with the queen. They have a short life span so they move from flower to flower, serving their purpose and pollinating (by instinct, not intent) only to die a short while. With a plan so simple, you wouldn't think they'd mind anyways. That is their intention in nature: to cross pollinate and die. It's not even a "live and fight another day" situation. I'm glad that I wasn't born a bee. Though it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Lately I've been feeling really down. Crazy. Like shit. I've been physically sick too with I don't even know what, but I think that might all be mental too. It's amazing how much of an impact the way that you think and feel has to do on your body. I've just been dragging through my days waiting for night time so that I can just fall asleep and hope that the next day something incredible happens. I know, that's no way to live your life. But honestly, until I find something of someone to break that routine I think that this is what I'm condemned to. Hopefully that time will be soon.

My friend told me yesterday that a city is a city and you can't blame it for your problems. Which is something I tend to do because I'm not happy with the scenery here and all I ever want to do is get out. I have aspirations that can't be contained in Erie, Pennsylvania. I suppose that's why I want to get out. I don;t really hate Erie, I guess. There's just nothing here for me and that is my fault, not the city's fault.

This movie is amazing. If you have never seen it, I suggest that you do.