Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fucking smile.

Every day I find myself more and more frustrated. Like I'm building it up to this high-powered awesome breakdown that I'm inevitably going to reach. And it's for no reason. I feel like as time keeps passing, I'm more and more bitter about everything. I can't even fucking be specific. It seems like everything pisses me off anymore and I can't find the time or reason to be optimistic about anything. NOTHING. What the hell?!

Well, aside from my escape plan from this accursed city that I call home right now. Fuck this place though. Just... fuck it.

For a while I was working really hard on my novel. And as I was writing it I really really liked it but when I went and read it back in its entirety, I was bored. Granted, I haven't gone back and redone it yet which is what my MO was in the beginning: to write a rough draft and then go back and insert the curveballs or whatever. Maybe when I do that, it'll be much more interesting? I'm not sure. But then again I AM the person writing it and I do know the meaning behind every little hidden thing so maybe I shouldn't sweat it too much?

I've already drank WAY too much fucking coffee for today. AHHHHHH!

Seven months I think... no sex. In a way I'm like "wow this is awesome!" and in another I'm like "fuck... I really want it." I hate being a human being. I guess if I had one goal it would be to transcend being human and have no vices or urges or instincts and just be some all powerful fucking awesome person. Hahaha... I need to ask Jim Morrison in a desert with his naked indian.

CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT! My favorite swear word. Also, the accurate descriptive word for 98% of the female population in the world. :P

I want to paint a picture. Of a naked man eating an apple but getting a spear thrown through his head and a gundam bin the background laughing at him. But penises are ugly. So I would make this man asexual. Take that fucker's pride right away from him.

I STILL believe in Harvey Dent.

I'll see you in Hell motherfucker.

Monday, June 22, 2009

His name was Bishop.

Well, I've been accepted to attend Columbia College Chicago. Somehow I kind of knew that I would be. So I'm not all that surprised. I AM, however, very excited about the fact.Yay!

Not a whole lot has been happening, hence the lack of updating on this thing. I've just been chilling and eating lots of ice cream to keep cool in the summer weather and it hasn't really been as hot as it's going to be. It's not July yet. Hahaha... when it comes around, I'll be upping my ice cream intake by 50%.

I've also been watching a lot of anime series' lately, most notably the Gundam series, all of which I have on my computer. I just finished 100 episodes of Gundam SEED and its sequel series Gundam SEED Destiny. It's pretty fucking amazing and Shinn Asuka, Athrun Zala and most notably Kira Yamato are fucking BEEEEEEEAST in that series. Holy fucking shit...

Now I'm watching Mobile Suit Gundam 00, which is the most recent installment of the Gundam franchise (so recent that it hasn't even come out on DVD and the Second Season hasn't been released in a dubbed version). And I like it a lot. I actually can't wait to finish it and then watch the second season on the Sci-Fi channel when it comes on June 29th. Channel 244 for those who have Direct TV like me and there will be two episodes every Monday until it totals to 25 episodes.

I also plan on watching Mobile Suit Gundam Wing in its entirety as well sometime in the not-so-distant future. :)

Been writing my novel. Incorporating some influence from mechanime. But the entire concept isn't going to be focused on mech-combat like most of the series' that I'm taking that influence from. The take I'm going to have is just to incorporate mecha called Runners in as weapons of war. They're going to be more akin to Armored Cores and Muscle Tracers in that they come in various base-models from weapons manufacturers but are fully integratable and have interchangeable parts that aren't exclusive to the specific manufacturer's models. Weapons can also be independently made and customized an calibrated as well.

I've been putting too much thought into this. I have a very good story to go along with it though and it's very dark. The way that I'm writing it is as if the scenes were an adaptation of a graphic novel and several of my favorite artists are doing it.

I would prefer it was a graphic novel but you can't win them all.

Anyways, I need to do something other than writing in this. Take care. See ya soon!