Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Myths about bears.

I hate the fact that whenever someone asks for advice from me and when I'm being completely honest and unbiased it gets thrown back in my face. Suddenly I am an idiot because I draw from past experiences and tendencies. I don't care. If you read this (and you know who you are) and you have a problem with the honest advice that I give you, then fuck you. Don't talk to me, don't lurk me and certainly don't act like I "owe you" anything. And DO NOT talk down to me like I'm some sort of fucking moron you stupid bitch and don't act like I'm inferior to you in any way. I'm not the one who feeds on and outright consumes people's emotions because I'm afraid of being alone. I'm not a fucking locust who moves from person to person, uses them up for all they're worth and then throws them away only to move on to "the next big thing." I'm not the insecure one. Do you REALLY want to know why you have so much trouble with guys? It's because you are NOTHING but a pretty face. You are nothing but a potential fuck-and-go to all of these fucking idiots you get emotionally involved in. Use your goddamn brain and for once, develop a personality and stop using your looks to get you everywhere. That river will run dry, darling. Sooner than you think. And when you're out on your own in the real world you'll notice how nothing you're doing right now bears any fucking significance further down the line. It's all bullshit.

Quote: "The more I found out about her, the less I wanted anything to do with her."

I had to get that out.

Anyways, Cinco De Mayo! I should be off work sitting in the sunshine on my porch drinking margaritas. This is unfair. Instead I'm at work talking about Blade Runner with one of the lot attendants, and how Harrison Ford is a fucking beast and how he should have been in more big name movies in his youth. Now he's just an old man who is highly unrecognized for many of his roles outside of Star Wars (as Han Solo. If you didn't know this already, lock yourself in a bathroom and put the end of the barrel of a shotgun in your mouth and use your toe to pull the trigger) and Indiana Jones (amazing movies until they made that most recent one which was a bucket of shit mostly because of that Even Stevens fuck).

What the fuck did Marvel Studios do to Deadpool?! (I'm just about over this).

Noon. Lunch time. I am starving.

I'm thinking about making a new screen name on AIM tonight so that people who I don't want talking to me on there can't. That's the only way it seems to keep people who suck OUT. Because you block someone and they always keep coming back with their alternate screen names that they have linked to the one that you have. So they know you blocked them. Now you're dealing with someone who is completely pissed off at you because you blocked their other name and they're giving you a piece of mind on their "LURKER NAME" which is un-fucking-cool if you ask me. It's not like a normal conversation where you can just look them in the face and tell them: "Shut the FUCK UP!" Honestly. This goes for people who creep on me and think I should date them because I'm cute, people who have absolutely nothing to say to me except telling me all of their problems and expecting for me to solve them, or incredibly insecure ex-girlfriends who want me back because I'm the "best they've ever had" (this demographic does NOT include Tayler McMillen because I actually would date her again if the circumstances as to why we are not together would make a dramatic change for the better).

Another great film that I have laid eyes upon recently was Tombstone. Though it's not the typical legendary western movie probably starring John "The Duke" Wayne, it's a pretty epic movie (for it's 1993 release time) that tells the story about the legendary Wyatt Earp and his quest to rid Tombstone, AZ of the vicious bandit cowboys (who in this movie were just a bunch of douchebags), building up to the Gunfight At O.K. Corral and the resulting justice that was laid down with a fucking iron fist by Kurt Russell.

New Star Trek movie. I'm not going to see it. They probably fucked up Deadpool in that one, too. *sigh!*

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