Saturday, April 11, 2009


My brains are melting and dripping out of my ears!


My blogs are so interesting that even I read them... how crazy is that?!

Daniel... you're such a fucking bruiser!

I had 2 McMuffins with 3 hashbrowns, two milks, a coffee and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast today! Mmmm!

This is what my pocket has in it right now:

Yes... two packs. Why? Buy one get ones. That's why. It seriously made my day hearing those words from the convenience store clerk: "We have those on buy one get one!"

"Sweet! Gimme those then!"

I just wanted to take a few minutes out of my busy schedule to get on here and post SOMETHING before my avid readers did something like burn down a city block in a major U.S. city like Chicago or Charlotte or Pittsburgh.

Currently my only wish is that work will get out sooner than time seems to be going by. I have only a few more Kia certification tests left but I have a craving for FOOD! Because I never consume enough (but what I DO consume is more than the average person does. I should be a fatass).

Burn After Reading is a good movie. Not AMAZING. But good. I didn't expect for Brad Pitt to get his face shot off at all.

Lately my music selection has consisted of: Billy Joel, Killswitch Engage, Bjork, Saosin, and last but not least Sky Eats Airplane. Honorable mentions are Underoath and the Deftones (who are leading in plays on my Zune card).

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I just ate three big macs, a giant sized fry and two king sized m&m packs. Not bad for only having 4 bucks and a book of coupons.

I was in the musicals section looking for Yanni again today. And I'm 3 cigarettes away from abrasive insanity.

Hey man... where can I get some rocket fuel?

Today I was thinking about why all public restrooms suck. I think it's because no one likes to clean bathrooms. I sure as fuck don't. When I lived on my own I would pay my roommates to do it for me. But I think I came up with a solution: from a very young age people need to be trained to love shit. And then they need to be trained to know how to clean it up. We need a sect of people in this society who are willing to clean bathrooms. And they'll always smell like Lysol. That's like... their scarlet letter. When you smell Lysol, you know you've got a toilet mercenary on your hands.

I've built up a tolerance to coffee. I drink so much of it just to get going and then by noon I'm just about pissing my pants every ten minutes. Displacement of water is a shitty thing. I wish I could just be a floating anonymous entity of water. That would be awesome... I'd be like the bad guy from Terminator 2 but more amicable and not made of metal.

My teeth hurt. I need them pulled. Any takers? I'll give you five bucks and a coupon for Applebees Neighborhood Bar and Grill. Eatin' good in the neighborhood has always been a motto of mine. Too bad I don't live by it and I constantly ingest sugary goods that corrode away at my back teeth instead. Ouch! So I'm to the point where if I try to eat ice cream I want to die. I love it. But I want to die from the pain when I eat it. Fuck that. It's like that with anything in life anymore. You love the things that hurt you. Smooth right?

I think if the circumstances were different I would be capable of giving my ex a fair shot at a relationship. The reason why I didn't is because I was questionable and romantically invested in someone else and never had a chance to get over her by the time I jumped into a relationship with her. Which wasn't fair because she is a very wonderful girl and everything. I was an idiot for doing what I did. And I realize it. I don't feel like I even deserve her though. I was a bastard.

For some reason though, it doesn't surprise me. I'm constantly making bad decisions and throwing good people away for terribly fucked-up ones.

I have like 2 dollars. Lunch isn't going to be much of a picnic today.

So I've been playing Fable II for a while and I had this sweet skill-user character that I just used guns and fucked the world up with but my game glitched beyond all repair and I don't have xbox live so I can't download the patch to fix it. So I'm fucked. So I had to start a new game. And I made a female character this time and I think I enjoy it even more. I've been married three times and I always just shoot my husbands in the face. I spent like five hours blacksmithing to get enough money for good weapons and clothes. And this character is also a skill-user too so I just gun people down and it's fun.

I need to download new music or something because the same old thing is just getting boring. Either that or I need to get on a Beatles trip again intentionally. The Beatles never get old, you just start listening to other music and stop listening to the Beatles. That's life.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Maxim V8 Splash can give you hitpoints too.

So I'm not writing in this thing as much. Why? I have nothing to write about. Someone needs to come along and make my life a little more interesting. A friend. A lover. A Jedi apprentice? Something...

I'm addicted to Fable II. I don't even want to beat it. I just want to make a ton of money and own everything in the game. Houses and businesses I mean. I could give a fuck less about being good or evil, pure or corrupt. I just want to be the Emperor of Albion. And then, I want to be fucking cruel.

I still feel so alone. But the good news is that it doesn't bother me so much anymore.

I discovered that I can easily replenish my hitpoints by eating tomatoes after I write an "M" on them with a sharpie marker like so:

Sarah Moran is in town now and I need to hang out with her before she goes back to the state that claimed (just about) all of my friends.

I think that if they're going to make same-sex marriage legal, then they should make divorce illegal. Either that or they shouldn't make same-sex legal and they should outlaw and annul ALL marriage. The only benefit to same-sex marriage is social stature and medical benefits. So I'm thinking about marrying a guy, receiving his healthcare benefits to get my teeth fixed and then divorcing him. But I have to go to Connecticut, Massachusetts or Iowa to do it. And it's okay because I'll marry a straight guy and we'll have affairs with women. Who's game?

Like I said... nothing to write about but unless you come here and hang out with me and give me a life-changing experience, don't bitch about it.