I have a crush. :)
That's all you need to know about that.
I got all of Travis Bryant's solo material last night and I'm excited. It's all I've been listening to. He's such a talented guy. It makes jealous but at the same time it makes me want to push myself musically. I need an acoustic guitar (and a piano) so badly so I can start work on this solo project that I have envisioned.
They need to figure out how to use coffee as an alternative fuel source... I'm sure it's possible because I've drank so much that my mind is racing and I can't stop double-bassing my foot-tapping. Coffee could be used as fucking rocket fuel, I'm sure.
Work, work, and more work. That's all I ever do. That's all I ever WANT to do. Anything to keep me busy. Anything to keep me from thinking too much because when that happens I fuck everything up. I just need to keep busy and go with the flow and let everything fall into place. Then I'll be happy.
I have a fucking sore throat from hell today. Hopefully I'll get over it and not get any more sick. I HATE being sick and I don't get sick often because my immune system is impecable.
I don't have much to write so I'll have to update this thing later. But that's what's up.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Oh what the fuck?!
I really wish that I could prosper in a town or a city different than the one that I do. I wish I could thrive in the suburbs of a major city where people are friendly and there's a sense of community. This is something that the great metropolis of Erie, Pennsylvania is lacking. It's cold. It's lonely. Everyone is pissed-off all the time. The scenery is terrible.
"I'm going to take a walk through the woods and think about mow much I hate my life."
Factuality is (yes, I combined two words and for whatever reason spell checker is NOT underlining it), I need to get out. Days, weeks, months, years... anything. Have you ever lived the same day fifty days in a row? Well that's how it's been since I got here. Since I arrived in this miserable, snowy shithole of Erie, PA.
The only good thing is that this town would definitely make me an amazing songwriter. Because there is nothing better to do than sit around and reflect on my emotions. I'll give it some time before I'm cranking out the hits like Pat Monahan (who is a fucking douchebag if you ask me). I'll give you drops of Jupiter, you asshole... in the form of a fist in your goddamn mouth for not being able to sing but still rising to rock superstardom. This asshole came to my school and told us how we can be successful if we shoot for our dreams, but I'm sure that once his band gets cycled out and he becomes a delusional, washed up rock star everything will change.
You'll soon be sucking dick for coke, Pat Monahan. Soon.
On another note I need to save up my money for a new investment when it comes to my technology: an external hard drive. My laptop is being slowed down by the insane amount of music and downloaded anime that I have on it. My Zune, however is half full which I don't understand... I must be missing something.
I just ate a healthy lunch for once instead of filling my arteries with McGoodness. Thank god... because whenever I eat fast food it makes me feel like shit for the rest of the day.
I also showed one of my coworkers this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ac5XZaZ7qU
I didn't want to put the actual video on here because it's stupid and not worth the effort or time but I got THE BEST reaction out of him that I have ever seen from that. Have you ever seen someone curl up in fear from something? This is the case. Now I'm afraid he's in his office planning and plotting to get me back for this. But I don't care. The reaction that I got from him was priceless and I was IN TEARS laughing so hard. My dad was laughing just as hard as I was because he sat in on the whole thing.
80% of Slipknot's music videos take place on farm land.
I don't have much else to say. If I think of something I'll bring it here and note it.
"I'm going to take a walk through the woods and think about mow much I hate my life."
Factuality is (yes, I combined two words and for whatever reason spell checker is NOT underlining it), I need to get out. Days, weeks, months, years... anything. Have you ever lived the same day fifty days in a row? Well that's how it's been since I got here. Since I arrived in this miserable, snowy shithole of Erie, PA.
The only good thing is that this town would definitely make me an amazing songwriter. Because there is nothing better to do than sit around and reflect on my emotions. I'll give it some time before I'm cranking out the hits like Pat Monahan (who is a fucking douchebag if you ask me). I'll give you drops of Jupiter, you asshole... in the form of a fist in your goddamn mouth for not being able to sing but still rising to rock superstardom. This asshole came to my school and told us how we can be successful if we shoot for our dreams, but I'm sure that once his band gets cycled out and he becomes a delusional, washed up rock star everything will change.
You'll soon be sucking dick for coke, Pat Monahan. Soon.
On another note I need to save up my money for a new investment when it comes to my technology: an external hard drive. My laptop is being slowed down by the insane amount of music and downloaded anime that I have on it. My Zune, however is half full which I don't understand... I must be missing something.
I just ate a healthy lunch for once instead of filling my arteries with McGoodness. Thank god... because whenever I eat fast food it makes me feel like shit for the rest of the day.
I also showed one of my coworkers this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ac5XZaZ7qU
I didn't want to put the actual video on here because it's stupid and not worth the effort or time but I got THE BEST reaction out of him that I have ever seen from that. Have you ever seen someone curl up in fear from something? This is the case. Now I'm afraid he's in his office planning and plotting to get me back for this. But I don't care. The reaction that I got from him was priceless and I was IN TEARS laughing so hard. My dad was laughing just as hard as I was because he sat in on the whole thing.
80% of Slipknot's music videos take place on farm land.
I don't have much else to say. If I think of something I'll bring it here and note it.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Rock stardom makes skinny people fat.
This is amazing. But look at Chino! He's really let himself go...
I have one request for anyone who reads this:
Tell your friends. Link people to this. Bookmark it.
I can't promote it very much on Myspace because Blogger and Myspace have beef or something so Myspace disables the links. So no go on a Myspace banner. But I do my best to get it across. Unfortunately it's not enough.
I don't write for my own health you know. I have a notebook that I can do it in. I write for YOU! To entertain YOU! So please, share this wealth with your friends? That's not asking too much is it?
On another note... should I make a Twitter? I HAD one but I didn't like it and it was so long ago. I don't know what's up now. I'm thinking maybe yes, but I'm not sure if it's worth the time.
I can't promote it very much on Myspace because Blogger and Myspace have beef or something so Myspace disables the links. So no go on a Myspace banner. But I do my best to get it across. Unfortunately it's not enough.
I don't write for my own health you know. I have a notebook that I can do it in. I write for YOU! To entertain YOU! So please, share this wealth with your friends? That's not asking too much is it?
On another note... should I make a Twitter? I HAD one but I didn't like it and it was so long ago. I don't know what's up now. I'm thinking maybe yes, but I'm not sure if it's worth the time.
You can't find this on Google!
One question that always seems to plague me... I ask myself this every day but I'm not really sure how to answer it for myself...
"What makes a good writer?"
Now I'm not really sure. I don't even know why people love to read the things that I write or what attracts them even to my blogs to see what I'm discussing or what have you. I personally think that I'm nothing as far as writing goes, dwarfed by those from whom I draw my influences from. I'm no Vonnegut. I'm no Hemingway. I'm no Bukowski. Everyone knows it. But could it be that I'm just unique? That I have my own style and my own twisted mind that looks GREAT on paper or just in black and white? Could be.
I think what makes a good writer is something that can keep you guessing, but it still makes sense. Something that'll leave you on the edge of your seat thinking "What the fuck is he going to say next?!" Or when you read it you think "Wow... that's fucked up!" or "Wow... I never thought of it that way." It's never really about what you say though as opposed to HOW you say it.
Plus you have to be real. You have to connect. You can't develop a character who is flawless in every way. Not even ONE flaw will do. The reason why I see Superman as the greatest failure in comic book literature is because he is completely invincible. He has one weak spot... an Achilles heel. But he is by no means a human being. He's one dimensional. And his villains have come to utilize that weakness every time. Same plot, Lex Luther... just a different ball game. And it doesn't win me over.
Iron Man is such a successful character in the Marvel Universe because he is a human being with problems and issues inside of a suit of armor. There's more to him than the exterior. He's bulletproof, for sure... but he's an alcoholic. For a period of time the entire superhero community relied on him as the spearhead of SHIELD. And he had trouble adjusting to and being responsible for such a monumental position.
Even Captain America is more human than Superman.
Personally I think that Stan Lee and the subsequent writers of our generation who were influenced by him are geniuses. There's nothing more to it than that. There are few books or writers from the DC universe who can grab my attention like anything that has a shred of Stan Lee in it does. DC has Batman, and that's it for me. Stan Lee seems to put a little bit of himself into every character he's created and thus he's made them more personable. He's made them REAL.
Chuck Palahnuik has very personable characters in his writing as well. They all seem to suffer from some socially unacceptable disease that throughout the novel they need to come to terms with. Some of his characters are "static" and some change but none the less they are human beings.
Charles Bukowski always wrote himself into his character, making it more human. Henry Chinaski is someone we can all relate to in some way. He has one of our billions of problems in life... all of us.
It takes a great mind to be a good writer. It takes brilliance. But the hardest thing is to take that brilliance and put it into terms that other people can understand and relate to. THAT is the biggest challenge in being a writer. It's not that people are stupid and couldn't get it anyways. It's opening the door and giving them a perspective. Because every mind is complex and everyone sees thing differently. Think about when you explain something and when people see the actual thing it's either better or worse than they imagined it, but never EXACTLY the same. What you need to do if you're a writer and as a writer is to create something that will never disappoint someone. Something that'll always exceed expectations of a reader post-description. I can't tell you how many backs of books I've read that looked good but were disappointments. And I also can't number the amount of books I've read that the back couldn't say enough about but by far blew my mind away. The latter is something you want to accomplish. Don't write just anything and expect for your beloved fans to automatically like it. PUSH THEM!
When you push yourself as a writer you tend to be more satisfied with the results. Because you can stand behind it with more pride because you've actually put more into something than just the standard run of the mill short story, poetry bullshit that you write in your spare time. It's not as generic.
No one starts out as a great writer. In fact if anyone read what I wrote years ago they'd agree... I wasn't nearly as good as I am now. It takes time to hone and develop the skills and the ability to connect. But you need to have a starting point. You need to know where to begin. Honestly I didn't have much of a start. I learned everything I know about writing either from my influences or it was self-taught (like a lot of things that I am talented with in life).
No one can tell you how to be a good writer. Only you can really, but first you need to take some time and learn just what a real good writer is. From there, the choice is your own. YOU are your writing, no one else. So your writing is going to be different and unique from anyone else's. And NEVER worry about technique. It's not about technique. You need to have grammar and syntax skills, granted. You need to be able to spell and have a good sense of vocabulary. But that's just the basics.
If you read this, I love you.
Just a quick note though... because I need to be a little ridiculous with every post:
"What makes a good writer?"
Now I'm not really sure. I don't even know why people love to read the things that I write or what attracts them even to my blogs to see what I'm discussing or what have you. I personally think that I'm nothing as far as writing goes, dwarfed by those from whom I draw my influences from. I'm no Vonnegut. I'm no Hemingway. I'm no Bukowski. Everyone knows it. But could it be that I'm just unique? That I have my own style and my own twisted mind that looks GREAT on paper or just in black and white? Could be.
I think what makes a good writer is something that can keep you guessing, but it still makes sense. Something that'll leave you on the edge of your seat thinking "What the fuck is he going to say next?!" Or when you read it you think "Wow... that's fucked up!" or "Wow... I never thought of it that way." It's never really about what you say though as opposed to HOW you say it.
Plus you have to be real. You have to connect. You can't develop a character who is flawless in every way. Not even ONE flaw will do. The reason why I see Superman as the greatest failure in comic book literature is because he is completely invincible. He has one weak spot... an Achilles heel. But he is by no means a human being. He's one dimensional. And his villains have come to utilize that weakness every time. Same plot, Lex Luther... just a different ball game. And it doesn't win me over.
Iron Man is such a successful character in the Marvel Universe because he is a human being with problems and issues inside of a suit of armor. There's more to him than the exterior. He's bulletproof, for sure... but he's an alcoholic. For a period of time the entire superhero community relied on him as the spearhead of SHIELD. And he had trouble adjusting to and being responsible for such a monumental position.
Even Captain America is more human than Superman.
Personally I think that Stan Lee and the subsequent writers of our generation who were influenced by him are geniuses. There's nothing more to it than that. There are few books or writers from the DC universe who can grab my attention like anything that has a shred of Stan Lee in it does. DC has Batman, and that's it for me. Stan Lee seems to put a little bit of himself into every character he's created and thus he's made them more personable. He's made them REAL.
Chuck Palahnuik has very personable characters in his writing as well. They all seem to suffer from some socially unacceptable disease that throughout the novel they need to come to terms with. Some of his characters are "static" and some change but none the less they are human beings.
Charles Bukowski always wrote himself into his character, making it more human. Henry Chinaski is someone we can all relate to in some way. He has one of our billions of problems in life... all of us.
It takes a great mind to be a good writer. It takes brilliance. But the hardest thing is to take that brilliance and put it into terms that other people can understand and relate to. THAT is the biggest challenge in being a writer. It's not that people are stupid and couldn't get it anyways. It's opening the door and giving them a perspective. Because every mind is complex and everyone sees thing differently. Think about when you explain something and when people see the actual thing it's either better or worse than they imagined it, but never EXACTLY the same. What you need to do if you're a writer and as a writer is to create something that will never disappoint someone. Something that'll always exceed expectations of a reader post-description. I can't tell you how many backs of books I've read that looked good but were disappointments. And I also can't number the amount of books I've read that the back couldn't say enough about but by far blew my mind away. The latter is something you want to accomplish. Don't write just anything and expect for your beloved fans to automatically like it. PUSH THEM!
When you push yourself as a writer you tend to be more satisfied with the results. Because you can stand behind it with more pride because you've actually put more into something than just the standard run of the mill short story, poetry bullshit that you write in your spare time. It's not as generic.
No one starts out as a great writer. In fact if anyone read what I wrote years ago they'd agree... I wasn't nearly as good as I am now. It takes time to hone and develop the skills and the ability to connect. But you need to have a starting point. You need to know where to begin. Honestly I didn't have much of a start. I learned everything I know about writing either from my influences or it was self-taught (like a lot of things that I am talented with in life).
No one can tell you how to be a good writer. Only you can really, but first you need to take some time and learn just what a real good writer is. From there, the choice is your own. YOU are your writing, no one else. So your writing is going to be different and unique from anyone else's. And NEVER worry about technique. It's not about technique. You need to have grammar and syntax skills, granted. You need to be able to spell and have a good sense of vocabulary. But that's just the basics.
If you read this, I love you.
Just a quick note though... because I need to be a little ridiculous with every post:
A eugooglizer? One who speaks at funerals...
I want to take some time out of my busy workday to talk about something remarkable that I researched and witnessed yesterday on my day off: Luchos Libre. A lot of you probably get the idea as to what it is from watching the movie "Nacho Libre" starring Jack Black (it's kind of a ridiculous movie but you win some, you lose some). Luchos Libre is of course, Mexican wrestling. And it's different from American wrestling in that it takes at least a hint of skill to do, and it's not fake a scripted. The way I got into reading this is I somehow came across the Wikipedia page of Rey Mysterio Jr. and then proceeded to watch Youtube videos of him wrestling. Yes, he is an American wrestler. No, that's not how he got started. The only experience I had watching him wrestle was in video games for WCW before WWF became the WWE (which I never followed to begin with. I just thought the video games were fun). Watch this shit:
I'm serious. Even if you're not into wrestling (which quite honestly I've never given a fuck about wrestling) you should watch it. That is some of the most impressive shit I have ever seen in my entire life. And after watching that I looked up some stuff on Luchos Libre, and that's the style that almost everyone in Mexican wrestling uses. It's not about power moves or whatever but about speed and skill.
Aside from that I started playing Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions. Yes, I decided to take a break from Fable II because it's getting too repetitive and I just want to make some money and own the world and get on with my life... I don't even care if I beat it or not. But I needed a break from it and Lost Planet is pretty sweet. I like the gameplay style and most of all I just like running around and shooting shit to complete missions. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to video games as long as there's a good story behind it. So this works.

Work on my novel is coming along pretty nicely. Slowly, but nicely. I have the general idea for the story down and now all I have to do is write it. It's a shame that I don't know any artists who would be willing to make this a graphic novel instead of just a literary novel. Maybe after it's done and someone can read it and take hold of it I can turn it into a graphic novel as a "reinterpretation." That way the readers can get more of an idea as to what the real idea is by being able to see it rather than interpret it for themselves. I think it'd come across as more beautiful... like the way people always imagine their favorite book being a movie and having it be EXACTLY what it was mean to be. If I did do it as a graphic novel it'd be a VERY long one or it'd have to be a series. And then there's a prequel and a sequel to it that I have planned explaining things that place the novel where it is and what happens after the novel (or series of novels) is done (you read it here first!). It should be interesting. I have so many ideas! But not enough time to write them.
Kevin Mason needs to chill the fuck out, go eat a Big Mac and smoke a nice cigarette when he's finished.
I'll write more when I have a bit more time. Take care everyone! :)
I'm serious. Even if you're not into wrestling (which quite honestly I've never given a fuck about wrestling) you should watch it. That is some of the most impressive shit I have ever seen in my entire life. And after watching that I looked up some stuff on Luchos Libre, and that's the style that almost everyone in Mexican wrestling uses. It's not about power moves or whatever but about speed and skill.
Aside from that I started playing Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions. Yes, I decided to take a break from Fable II because it's getting too repetitive and I just want to make some money and own the world and get on with my life... I don't even care if I beat it or not. But I needed a break from it and Lost Planet is pretty sweet. I like the gameplay style and most of all I just like running around and shooting shit to complete missions. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to video games as long as there's a good story behind it. So this works.
Work on my novel is coming along pretty nicely. Slowly, but nicely. I have the general idea for the story down and now all I have to do is write it. It's a shame that I don't know any artists who would be willing to make this a graphic novel instead of just a literary novel. Maybe after it's done and someone can read it and take hold of it I can turn it into a graphic novel as a "reinterpretation." That way the readers can get more of an idea as to what the real idea is by being able to see it rather than interpret it for themselves. I think it'd come across as more beautiful... like the way people always imagine their favorite book being a movie and having it be EXACTLY what it was mean to be. If I did do it as a graphic novel it'd be a VERY long one or it'd have to be a series. And then there's a prequel and a sequel to it that I have planned explaining things that place the novel where it is and what happens after the novel (or series of novels) is done (you read it here first!). It should be interesting. I have so many ideas! But not enough time to write them.
Kevin Mason needs to chill the fuck out, go eat a Big Mac and smoke a nice cigarette when he's finished.
I'll write more when I have a bit more time. Take care everyone! :)
Strange, sad, and true.
I had this dream. It wasn't a nightmare. It was sad though but it's true. This is what I've broken it down to:
I'm the type of guy that every girl needs, but none of them want. Why? Because I'm like... the perfect boyfriend. I'm compassionate, I'm considerate, I'm lovable, I'm accepting, I'm intelligent and I'm honest. Physically, I'm good looking, I know how to kiss, and I don't "fuck" but I put a lot of emotion into physical affection making it "lovemaking" and not just something I do to get off.
Girls don't want the perfect boyfriend. They want some asshole that they go through bullshit with. They want someone that they can complain to all of their friends about but at the end of the day end up sleeping beside. Girls want sweet-talkers who can't back up their words. I DON'T tell people what they want to hear. I tell them how it is. The problem with that is I'm skeptical about lying my way into someone's heart.
My problem is I'm too good for a lot of the girls that I go after. And they don't realize it until they have no other option but to face that reality. But once I do win the battle and get to them, some fucking asshole who is (obviously, too) completely inferior to me comes along and wins the war. It's completely ridiculous. It hurts. It sucks. But that's how it is.
And then the people who she surrounds herself with are even left clueless, shrugging their shoulders and telling me that she's stupid and they can't see why she did that. They sympathize with me and say she's just going through a phase or something. Come to think of it, I think her friends come to like me more in the end than she even did. And they tell me things like: "Don't give up. You two have something special and I know things will work out between you two because you're exactly what she NEEDS. Not necessarily what she wants but time will tell on this."
So every time I see her, something happens. We make out. We sleep close together. We wake up, she leaves, things change. I don't see her for weeks but then she calls me to go to a movie. Same thing happens. She has a boyfriend. Same thing happens. Her boyfriend finds out and gets pissed. She does it again just to spite him. She isn't allowed to see me anymore. We hang out anyways behind his back and things are a little awkward. She doesn't want to cheat on him but ends up doing so anyways. We don't talk for a while after this but a month later she calls me and we do. Same thing happens. She's not satisfied with her relationship. I tell her to just leave him but she doesn't. Over and over again.
I date someone else. I don't cheat. I don't advocate cheating. The first girl comes around and I break it off with the person I'm dating. We have our time. Potentially good relationship is ruined.
This has actually happened. All of this in some sense. It's weird that I just had a dream about it. The girl I went through this with wasn't in the dream... it was someone else but the same general idea happened. It was strange, sad, and true.
I'm the type of guy that every girl needs, but none of them want. Why? Because I'm like... the perfect boyfriend. I'm compassionate, I'm considerate, I'm lovable, I'm accepting, I'm intelligent and I'm honest. Physically, I'm good looking, I know how to kiss, and I don't "fuck" but I put a lot of emotion into physical affection making it "lovemaking" and not just something I do to get off.
Girls don't want the perfect boyfriend. They want some asshole that they go through bullshit with. They want someone that they can complain to all of their friends about but at the end of the day end up sleeping beside. Girls want sweet-talkers who can't back up their words. I DON'T tell people what they want to hear. I tell them how it is. The problem with that is I'm skeptical about lying my way into someone's heart.
My problem is I'm too good for a lot of the girls that I go after. And they don't realize it until they have no other option but to face that reality. But once I do win the battle and get to them, some fucking asshole who is (obviously, too) completely inferior to me comes along and wins the war. It's completely ridiculous. It hurts. It sucks. But that's how it is.
And then the people who she surrounds herself with are even left clueless, shrugging their shoulders and telling me that she's stupid and they can't see why she did that. They sympathize with me and say she's just going through a phase or something. Come to think of it, I think her friends come to like me more in the end than she even did. And they tell me things like: "Don't give up. You two have something special and I know things will work out between you two because you're exactly what she NEEDS. Not necessarily what she wants but time will tell on this."
So every time I see her, something happens. We make out. We sleep close together. We wake up, she leaves, things change. I don't see her for weeks but then she calls me to go to a movie. Same thing happens. She has a boyfriend. Same thing happens. Her boyfriend finds out and gets pissed. She does it again just to spite him. She isn't allowed to see me anymore. We hang out anyways behind his back and things are a little awkward. She doesn't want to cheat on him but ends up doing so anyways. We don't talk for a while after this but a month later she calls me and we do. Same thing happens. She's not satisfied with her relationship. I tell her to just leave him but she doesn't. Over and over again.
I date someone else. I don't cheat. I don't advocate cheating. The first girl comes around and I break it off with the person I'm dating. We have our time. Potentially good relationship is ruined.
This has actually happened. All of this in some sense. It's weird that I just had a dream about it. The girl I went through this with wasn't in the dream... it was someone else but the same general idea happened. It was strange, sad, and true.
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