Saturday, April 25, 2009

I post nothing but garbage.

Sorry that my posts have been so lackluster lately. I actually do have an excuse for it. It may be feasable to you, it might not but I've been feeling emotionally distressed just because I feel so alone in this city anymore. It's not like I couldn't go out and find people to hang out with but if I did I would probably end up on drugs and being a complete waste of life, which is something that I feel isn't for me. However I have no problem with destroying my liver and rotting out my teeth with rum and coke at my very own discretion. Drugs and alcohol don't mix very well though so if I were on them it'd kind of fuck up my entire routine; something I'm definitely NOT down with.

Edward Cullen WOOWOOWOOOOOOOOOOO! Who the fuck cares?!

I stopped buying comic books again because the prices of cigarettes shot through the roof. I need to quit smoking so that I can enjoy Ultimate Spider-man and Dark Reign some more! Goddamn it! I have no idea why I find it so hard to find the discipline in myself to quit.

So this dude just walked into my work and he has an incredibly long beard. I think he is a true wizard. And judging from the length, he must be VERY powerful. I wish that I had a photograph of this fellow.

I'm kind of hungry. I would like to have some burritos from Taco Bell right about now. For some reason this beast within me craves this Mexican-American delicacy and when it gets this hunger it refuses to back down. It refuses to submit to starvation and it breaks out and goes wild. Someone's going to need to attain a taser baton in order to quell this beast. The only way I can contain it is by smoking a cigarette every ten minutes to kill my appetite. Billy Joel and Saves The Day are keeping my soul in check with their beautiful melodies. :)

I find it incredible how much I use sticky notes on a daily basis.

Someday I'm going to count how many times I use the word "I" in an entire post. It's a lot, this is for sure.

Oh Brina. :)

I want this guy on my side.

He seems well-equipped and ready to rage.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Count Basie Live in Japan '78 (Parts I and II)

You can determine the strength of a wizard's magical powers by measuring the length of his beard.

The Stranger by Billy Joel. In my opinion, this is probably one of the greatest albums ever recorded. There are so many hits on this record. So many classics. Since I was very young I had always appreciated Billy Joel as a singer and songwriting. I actually have had this in both cassette and vinyl format (never on compact disc format though but I currently have his full collection of albums on my Zune). I think every single song on this I have loved since childhood. And it's funny when I listen to it because not only does it remind me of that, but it also laves me awestricken at the quality of songwriting.

So it's incredibly nice today for once in Erie, PA. I'm definitely surprised. I didn't think it'd be this warm out for another month or so because it's been so cold and gloomy and rainy. But things are looking up! I no longer want to kill myself because of the weather's affect on my mood.

Work has been a beast today though. I'm barely having any time to write this. There's been so much shit to do today and all at once and it piles on. I've got a break right now to breathe. I haven't even eaten lunch. I'll write more later. BACK TO WORK!

Part II:

So I'm home from work and it's about 9:38 at night. I didn't want to post a new blog since I didn;t write much on this earlier so I'm adding instead. Of course, I'm still listening to Billy Joel right now but I might listen to something new here soon.

Fact: I worked a lot today. I talked to a lot of customers and did some presentations on some cars. I probably looked like an asshole because I didn't have time to shave my face this morning and I'm going on three fucking days but it's all good. I have a good personality and that's what matters I guess. I made six hundred phone calls (seemingly) today. I typed four deals into the database today. Basically I busted my ass today. Which is okay because my job fucking rules. But I'm tired.

I haven't had sex in almost 5 months. I haven't kissed a girl in two. I feel emotionally disconnected from anything. It's a good thing and a bad thing. On one hand I'm completely free and on the other I'm craving attention. What sucks is I have crushes and get crushed on by girls that don't fit my criteria or can't be what I need. Frustrating.

That might be about all I have for the day. Too tired to write anymore.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to change spark plugs:

Here's the deal: I had a blog on here entitled "Beautification." Subsequently I have moved it to my other blog for my writing and poetry. You can read it here or you can just go to Photographic Memory Loss. I had posted it on here because I was taking a stab at stream-of-consciousness writing and I felt that I had written something powerful that deserved attention, which PML is lacking anymore. Most people just come here to read what I have to say and don't stop by the other blog because they're too lazy and reading what I write is such a goddamn chore to them (no offense if you're one of these people who are reading this but it's true and you know it as well as I do). Maybe I should just start doing video blogs or something? Because people are such mind-slaves to the video format that they're going illiterate. I don't know.

Now that I've cleared that up, I am absolutely fucking starving right now. But the good news is Brian just left to go get some McFood. Kevin Mason, I know that you get disgruntled when I speak of such things, but the extreme of this hunger is enough to shake the knees of an African refugee. Well... that might be pushing it a little far but I have not ingested any type of solid food matter since approximately four o'clock yesterday afternoon and we're coming up on that time as I'm typing this. An entire day of no eating. The only reason why I haven't gone crazy and eaten post-it notes is due to my diminished appetite from this contagion that (still) is in my body and refuses to get the fuck out! Agggggggggh! I hate being sick so much.

I've come to the conclusion that given the results of my attempt at stream-of-consciousness writing, it's going to be an oft-used technique when I'm writing my novel (which is still in the beginning stages still because of my lack of time to put into it due to my fucking job that I'm at four million and eighty six thousand hours a week). Someone had mentioned the style of writing to me and I'd forgotten about it completely and it wasn't something that I had tried doing before and even I was impressed with the results and I wrote the damned thing! But I remembered it, went back and dug up some William Faulkner and Jack Kerouac and decided it was a long shot but I'd see if I was capable of just typing out nonsense as it was coming to mind in a timed fashion. It worked!

Speaking of work, I'm completely fascinated and amused at the fact that I go to bed every night to get some rest so that I have a marvelous and fantastic day doing nothing when I should be in bed sleeping or out having a social life. Sad, but so motherfucking true I guess.

I think that with tobacco prices on the rise I should give up my long-time habit of smoking cigarettes. But it's so much harder than I have ever thought imaginable, especially since the way I've changed since it was a feasable thing to do to quit. Now I'm so addicted and I rely on nicotine so much that if I don't have it to balance me out, I can't think straight. I panic. I get desperate. I start giving hand jobs for shorts. It's fucking ridiculous. I hate the fact that I have anxiety and I hate the fact that I rely on a chemical to balance me out. It makes me feel like I'm a weak person, honestly. Every time I light up a cigarette I think "Wow I REALLY shouldn't be doing this." But I keep on doing it anyways. It's terrible. Smokers guilt.

Drake Semrau and I have come to the conclusion that we are nerds, but we're highly attractive nerds who have a way with words.

Which brings me to my next subject: I don't think that Emperor Palpatine died when he was thrown down that reactor shaft on the Death Star. I think that he's still out there, branding everyone as an "enemy of the Republic" and camping out in Staples and Office Depot stores to sit in the revolving chairs so that he can villainously spin around and threaten blonde kids into joining his cause. But since Darth Vader is definitely dead (you see his Force ghost at the end of "Jedi"), who is his new apprentice?

Lil Wayne. Also known as Darth Young Money Millionaire. I'm becoming increasingly tired of hearing about that dude and I'm finding it ridiculous that I can't turn on the radio one time during the day without hearing at least one song by him or featuring him. Dark times are definitely ahead of us if my theory is true, but it's just speculation. I know for a fact that I'm not sending Samuel L. Jackson in to deal with this (no matter how much of a hard-ass he is). I might have to handle this one for myself by boycotting everything that has to do with him. The problem is most of this country is composed of middle-classed white kids driving their parents' cars around town bumping "A Milli" and this is an endeavor that I will inevitably lose.

I made another post-it note for myself today. It says: "Daniel, don't you dare fall asleep!" and I drew a picture of Barad-dûr and the all-seeing eye below it. On top of that I'm listening to Saetia and I've gotten so hyped up on coffee that I want to harass a bus full of high-school football players. When the bus drops off the kids that I harass (all twenty of them at the same time) I want to fight them all Bushido Blade style. I will have a hidden camera man film this event and I'll send it to Maxwell House so that they can use it in their advertising campaign.

I need to do something productive.

Currently listening to:
The Lost, The Sick, The Sacred

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Duality and how it applies to me.

Right now, since there is NEVER a time better than the present I'm going to talk a little bit about duality. For those of you who have no clue what duality is, look at the word and assume. I mean it speaks for itself. It's not a difficult vocab word. I think duality would be in the beginning pages of a child's vocabulary workbook. Anyways...

I think that most of us in a sense suffer from a case of duality. I mean, it's easy to act a certain way in some situations and then act differently in different ones. It happens I suppose. But some of us practice this to an extreme and we can't help when we do it, it's just the way our psyche is built. It's part of who we are. Not intentionally. For instance:

Take me for example. I talk to people. I converse, I joke, I laugh. I seem very happy and in high spirits to most people but in the back of my mind I feel dark and gloomy and depressed all the time. And I can't help it. It's just how I am. I'm built on a foundation of pessimism and skepticism. Why? Because of my past. Because of my associations with people. A lot of the time, I like people to their face but I absolutely abhor them to their back. It's not something I try and do, it just happens that way because I've been taught from experiences in life that people are subject to change and cannot be relied upon for anything long-term. Your friends will always abandon you, your family will categorize you, and the people that you love will fall out of love with you. The sad part is YOU CAN'T CHANGE THIS. No matter how brash and bold and fucking honest you are in life. The world will always turn its back on you.

So I'm in it for the moment. I take what I can as life gives it to me and I don't dig any deeper than that. There are other things that I aspire for and I'm typically not one to sit back and let life happen to me so don't get that impression. That's not what I'm trying to say. I only mean a thing to people for a certain amount of time and they only mean something to me for that period of time as well. I take everything that anyone says to me with a grain of salt and behind their backs I don't consider most of them in my decision-making process. This strategy has gotten me through more bad situations than I can recount. Not only that but any time I defy this routine, I end up getting fucked over completely.

I have to note that there are people who can see either side of me and I don't betray them. These are people that I have been around for quite some time and have always been there for me. There aren't very many of them, but if I have ever called you "best friend" or "brother" then you are most certainly one of these people. I just wanted to say that real quick before these people jumped out of their fucking seats.

Sometimes I show my duality with these people as well. It can't really be helped. Because I have this defense mechanism where if something or someone is bothering me, I keep to myself and rely on myself to solve problems before I turn to other people. And I'll do everything I can and expend every single option before I go to someone and ask for their personal advice. Usually by the time I run though this, I will have gathered enough information for myself on the situation to get a valid and unbiased opinion from the people who mean the most to me and are willing to do what they can to point me in the right direction. I know they always have the best intentions, but I don;t want to make my problems theirs. They're human beings too and human beings are plagued with problems. There's not such thing as "the good life." There's just life. And it is what you make it. It's in your hands.

So basically what I'm saying is that I myself am not the person that a lot of people see me as. Because of the fact that I keep people out of my reality. I keep them far enough to where they can't cause me any harm. Every single time that I defy this and try to see the good in people when it doesn't show, I end up being vulnerable and in turn I end up being torn to fucking shreds. So what do I do?

I fake it. I'm accepting up front. I'm not disagreeable or a dickhole to anyone to their face but in the back of my mind I'm picking them apart, sizing them up. From there I choose if I want to associate any further with this person and whether or not I think they're worth the effort. Sometimes I meet people who I am so fucking disgusted by that I straight up have to tell them what I'm thinking. But that's only if I know 100% that I have a legit opinion of them. I've VERY good at picking up on people from the second I meet them. I can talk to them for minutes before I can have them mapped out because I've met such a broad variety of people in my lifetime that it's become easy for me to find common or uncommon ground with people right from the start. And most of you who have ever met me in real life before know that I don't say a lot until the hour-long warm-up period is up and done with. And a lot of you also know that when I find you acceptable as a person by my standards and I warm up to you I can be the most amazing friend that you will ever have. It's true. All fact right there.

But when I don't like someone, I reject them right away. I'm straight up. I don't fuck around so to speak.

Anyways... I thought I'd just share that real quick. Thanks for reading and be sure to check my Library for some other interesting posts and topics of the day, week, month, year... so on so forth. :)

Something to chew on...


So here it is... bewitching hour at work. I'm looking at the clock every fifteen minutes to see if it's time to leave. Good news is I didn't smoke too many cigarettes today just to pass the time. I've just been sitting here working on the format of my blogger and listening to some broxcore to keep my day moving along, which is has been very nicely.

My life has been overwhelmed and taken over bythe video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, a game in which you play as Darth Vader's secret apprentice, toting a lightsaber around the universe and assassinating Jedi who didn't die at the time of Order 66. I have to say, it's a very addictive and challenging game and it offers a lot when it comes to storylines. I'm pretty glad that I picked it up and started playing it. This is what pretty much provoked my blog questioning the morals of the Jedi and the Sith. I simply think that Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were the corrupt forces in the Empire, not the Empire itself. Still, I love running around cutting up Stormtroopers! :)

Lately I've been listening to the band Anberlin a lot, their newest release, actually: New Surrender. I think it's a typical Anberlin album which you might think wouldn't say a whole lot, but those of you who are new to the music of Anberlin don't quite know how fucking AMAZING Anberlin is. By saying that it's a typical Anberlin album, I'm actually giving it a good review seeing as they are an extremely talented band. One of the songs ("The Feel Good Drag") is even a revised and rerecorded version of a song they had one a previous album, but revamped (I think they gave it some balls in some parts but they took away the screaming so its lacking in that department). If you have a chance, give this a listen! You won't be disappointed. If you don't like Anberlin, go swallow a knife.

I've thought a lot lately about my fascination with the undead. For those of you who don't know I am a HUGE zombies fan. Movies, books, the whole works. What I have come down to is this: I don't know. I really don't! When I think about it and try and give an explicit reason why I just laugh and say: "Because they're awesome!" I probably wasted your time with this paragraph.

I'll write more later. I always say that, I know. But I really have no idea what else to say. Ciao!


I want to start this day off by talking about one of my personal heroes: Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy franchise. He's a featured antagonist in the seventh installment and its subsequent spin-offs and sequels. If you don't know who he is, then you should probably find a slow, painful way to kill yourself OR you should invest some of your time to find out about this amazing villain because he is arguably one of the most badass antagonists in any given story.

Sephiroth starts off as a good guy and a mentor to Zack Fair (I don't want to spoil anything for you) as well as Cloud Strife, the central protagonist to Final Fantasy VII. He's the most powerful mercenary in the entire force of SOLDIER, which is basically an organization of biologically-enhanced mercenaries for hire under Shinra. Eventually you find out that Sephiroth is born of Jenova, an extraterrestrial evil being that is bent on enslaving the world. And then he loses his fucking mind and becomes bent on destroying everything. It's pretty intense.

That aside, Sephiroth is pretty fucking metal. His theme song sounds like it was written by Coheed and Cambria. His motives are completely irrational and not well thought out but he doesn't give a fuck. He has a huge sword and he intends on fucking SOMEONE or SOMETHING up with it, regardless. He looks like he belongs in a Norse black metal band and he sets fires to villages in a complete madness without any justification (just because he feels like it).

Yes. Sephiroth did this. He took this snake and fucking impaled its ass on a gigantic spike. Because he's level sixty and honestly, he doesn't give a flying fuck. This was done effortlessly. After he did this, he just walked away without breaking a sweat. Cloud and his little friends come by and see this, and they're completely amazed. Cloud is pissing his fucking pants. There is no way in hell Cloud could EVER do this (although once you get to a higher level you can beat the damn thing but it takes some effort to do which, to Sephiroth, there is no such fucking thing as effort).

And so the fuck what if he was voiced by Lance Bass in Kingdom Hearts. If canonical Sephiroth ever met that version of himself he would fucking slit his throat, place him in a bathtub and watch him drown in his own blood. How dare Disney fucking disgrace the name of Sephiroth in such a way. HOW DARE THEY?!?!?!?!

I put the fire and electric augments in my master hammer?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!

Cloud is a bastard sometimes. Sometimes he's cool and legit. But sometimes he's a little bitch with an identity crisis problem and it pisses me off. Honestly, who the fuck cares if you had Jenova cells injected into your body so you're one of Sephiroth's mind slaves? Just give in! You know he's going to win anyways. Jesus fucking Christ dude...

Speaking of dishonoring Sephiroth's name and likeness, look at this fuck. I know what you're trying to do, dude. But seriously... just give it up. You can't do this to look cool, get pussy, etc. It's just not going to work for you. There is only one Sephiroth. I want to see you fucking try to impale a gargantuan snake on a spike, or summon a meteor the size of fucking Alaska to strike the Earth so that you can soak up the Lifestream and become a god. I want to see you do any of that. Not even Lucky Strikes and Vitmain Water will make you as fucking awesome as Sephiroth. Or me for that matter. I suggest if you're trying, if you think that you're awesome, you need to go home to your wife, rethink your life and stop thinking that if you were to reverse time and become a seventeen-year-old version of yourself you'd be played by Zac Efron because it ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!

That is all for now with this fuckery.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Jedi and Sith... good or evil?

I posted a really long, elaborate version of this earlier with a lot of examples but I'm trimming this down.

Dark side and Light side are two varying opinions. Neither side are based on facts, it's just an interpretation as to how they view the world personally.

Dark Siders focus on emotions. Not necessarily just the bad ones. The most notable Sith in the history of Star Wars are evil and corrupt individuals who are bent on revenge and/or personal ambition. Some Sith are notably pacifists. But just because they use their power for their own personal gain doesn't make them wrong.

Light Siders focus on dogma. Refined knowledge. They do things for the good of everyone. But back during the great schism between the Jedi and the Sith, the Jedi commited unspeakable acts of genocide because their Sith counterparts refused to bend to their beliefs. The Jedi have also at various times in history shown a tendency to control, as the Reublic at various times has functioned as a theocracy due to the Jedi being involved in government affairs and being so closely knit with the Republic. There are a lot of corrupt Jedi in history who never really were fully affiliated with Sith, some of them regarded as Dark Jedi.

Palpatine (Darth Sidious) was corrupt. Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) was also corrupt.

Darth Plagueis was a pacifist and was a master of alchemy. He used his abilities in the Dark Side of the force accumulate his power and as it grew gain the power to create life from nothing but midi-chlorians (the debated origin of Anakin Skywalker). Darth Sidious killed Darth Plagueis out of fear that the being that he created would usurp him from the position of being the favored and replace him as Plagueis' apprentice.

Darth Bane was a Sith chivalrist and the source of the "Rule of Two" which was established because of the fact that the Sith as a whole had become too destructive to exist in the numbers that it did. Hence eventually he did away with all Sith but himself and his apprentice. As that line progressed, apprentice would kill master and usurp the title only to be killed by someone stronger. This is an example of Darwinism. Eventually down the line, the Sith Lords became more and more powerful.

I think that the Dark Side of the Force exists the keep the Light Side in check. For instance, at the height of the Republic before its collapse the Jedi were heavily involved with their affairs. They were Generals in their military. They made a lot of decisions on behalf of the Senate. Whether good or evil, pure or corrupt I think that there is a cycle in the universe when it comes to control and either faction of Force adepts.

Despite how evil Emperor Palpatine was, the Empire flourished during his tenure in ways and to an extreme that they never had before under the Republic. The economy improved and military was strengthened in an attempt to keep chaos from overrunning the galaxy (under instigation from the Rebel Alliance who were perceived as a threat to the well-being of the Galactic Empire). So Palpatine's rise to power wasn't completely fueled by his hunger for absolute power, but to establish control in a form that he felt the government lacked. Aquiring Anakin Skywalker as his apprentice futher secured his position at the head of the government.

In history, both the Sith and the Jedi have committed atrocities. You can relate the genocide of the Sith to the Crusades. And you can relate the execution of the Jedi and Palpatine's rise to power to Josef Stalin's rise to power in Russia. There are a lot of things that you can draw comparisons to in the Star Wars universe. But none of them clearly define each side as being good or evil.

Compare and contrast these:

Sith Code
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Jedi Code
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

Basic fundamentals... no sense of good or evil.

So yeah... neither Sith or Jedi are good or evil as a faction. Good or evil is based on the individual. I'm sure that just as there are Sith who are considered corrupt and evil there are Jedi who are the same. This can be omitted at times being that the stories are generally told from only one side of the fence (and are therefore biased).

One thing I have to note though is that when Luke Skywalker reforms the Jedi after the death of the Emperor he embraces more of the passionate side of the Force which was before considered part of the Dark Side because it led to the "fear of loss" as Yoda had said.

Love is essential in becoming a part of the Force as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker had become. It was because of their love that they were to exist on the plane that they did, guiding Luke Skywalker and showing him the ways to righteousness (Qui-Gon Jinn did play a behind the scenes role in influencing Luke Skywalker).

(Figuratively the Sith represent evolution and progressivism. The Jedi represent conservatism.)

We were walking downtown.

I'm sick as a dog and I'm at work. I'm pissed the fuck off. I woke up this morning and the first thing that I said to myself was "Work is NOT happening today." I said it over and over, as I shaved my face, dragged myself through the shower, ironed my work shirt and my pants. As I brushed my fucking teeth. As I'm here sipping on my tea. I feel like that's all I have today. A cup of tea. That's my one last shred of hope: my nice, warm, steaming cup of tea. I would kill someone right now over this cup of tea. Let's say someone comes by and is being a dickhole and knocks my cup over and it spills all over my desk. You have no idea what kind of fucking violence would ensue. It'd be MORTAL KOMBAT for sure.

I'm starting to be amazed by the impact that Charles Bukowski has on the indie subculture. There are so many references to his work and I had never even realized it and it's great I think. At least someone out there is paying homage to someone who is a genius but often misconstrued as a loon.

I really REALLY hope that I can get a hold of an acoustic guitar sometime soon so that I can start writing music solo. I want to also set money aside so that I can invest in a decent keyboard to write and record music on as well. There are a lot of things right now that I need. Here is a list:

A.) An external hard drive for my laptop to keep all of my music and my ripped movies on. Because the amount of it that I have is far surpassing the space I need on my hard drive for my computer to function right. Everyone I know who is at least even a little tech-savvy tells me that it's a good investment. My Zune is NOT a reliable place to keep all of my music on because in the past I've had problems with mp3 players and even though I haven't had any trouble with my Zune I don't want to risk losing everything because it's a lot of work trying to get it back. If I do get an external hard drive and it crashes at least I can just drag all of my music from my Zune back onto my computer (something you can't normally do without a ton of hassle with iPods). But I need to free up some space on my hard drive on my computer.

B.) An acoustic guitar, for reasons I explained above. I have nothing to write music on now. I HAD an acoustic and it was decent but it's gone. So I'm fucked as far as writing music right now. I guess I could score music but without being able to hear it, it wouldn't do much good.

C.) A fucking vehicle. Car, truck... ANYTHING. My world needs to open the fuck up. I'm tired of being stuck at home all the time because I don't have transportation to do anything. At least when I lived with my mom she let me take her car to do stuff. With my dad this isn't the case. Plus I'm afraid to drive a vehicle that is THAT big and expensive (GMC Yukon Denali). So even if he did let me drive it, I more than likely wouldn't. Because I would hurt someone behind the wheel of that thing. I'm not even worried about myself. It's a gargantuan metal sarcophagus. Nothing would hurt me in that thing.

D.) A cellular phone. Even though no one would ever call me. It'd just be good to have one. Maybe my social life would open up a little bit.

I can't think of anything else. I'm sick and pissed off and I want to stay away from ranting too much today because it'll neg me out even more and I'll bomb and fucking be miserable all day. So I'm trying to stay away from that and keep my head up. It's hard to do when you've got some fucking shit in your body making your head and chest feel like it's going to explode, like you swallowed a bucket of broken glass that is making you leak mucus all over yourself all fucking day (and you can't breathe easy because you're clogged up so you're breathing heavily through your mouth between coughs and people think you're a creep). I feel like I'm going to puke up my oatmeal all over the floor.

But at least I have my fucking tea and I'm listening to the sweet sounds of Copeland to keep my heart light.

So when I'm at work we always have Court TV on (it's either that or morning cartoons or Hannah Montana) and I think what I find most hilarious about this genre of television programming is the ignorance of these people. And not just that. They try so hard to sound smart so that the judge will rule in their favor, therefore making them look like even bigger idiots. Some of them use words that they can't even spell, let alone know the meaning of and I find it hysterical!

Lately I've been listening to Anberlin a lot. I'm a big fan of Stephen Christian and everything that he's done and I follow his blog on here. He has a solo project called Anchor & Braille that is being produced by Aaron Marsh from Copeland that is coming out at the end of the month I believe... I'm not exactly sure when the release date is but I'm excited to hear what this project has to offer in the end result.

I plan on remodeling and laying out both of my blogs to make them better and more accessable sometime when I have some free time so check back and see sometime. I have no idea when I'll have the time to do this. It's been a while since I've even been able to work on a legitimate Myspace layout.

I can't think of anything more to write about. As my mood disintegrates and I wish for death to come quickly to me I'm sure I'll think of more to write. Until then...