Sunday, March 8, 2009


I am in love with and am completely addicted to Vitamin Water. And any music that has anything to do with the singer Travis Bryant (who has the voice of an angel).

Check this out:

But I seriously can't stop drinking this shit. I went to the store and I had a few bucks and I could have either gotten a bunch of Vitamin Water or a pack of cigarettes, and I bought the Vitamin Water. Someday, whoever makes this stuff is going to rule the world.

I just put a post up earlier today but I felt the need to write some more. So deal with it you fucks.

So anyways I'm sitting here drinking my elixer of life and listening to the band Terminal. I've had nothing to do all day.

(Oh, FUCK YOU. You know who you are).


Getting off topic...

Vitamin water... this shit could give me cancer (like cigarettes do) and I wouldn't care. I hope it DOES give me cancer.

There is nothing to do. No one to talk to online. My penis apparently is small according to someone who has never seen it anymore. I'm a loser with no friends and a bad attitude. I was homeless not too long ago. I'm a whore even though I've only had sex with how many people. TWO. Count them:



I lied. I have friends. I have problems. My penis isn't small. I haven't been drinking very much lately THANK GOD because I've been needing to cut back for some time. I do have a bad attitude. I don't know why I'm telling you this.

People who I don't find interesting talk to me on a day to day basis and I wish they would just fucking stop.

I need a camera to do photography.

I also need more Vitamin Water.

I haven't had sex in over three months. Maybe I'll make it to and year and be a self-proclaimed "re-born virgin" or whatever the fuck girls say they are when they haven't fucked in over a year (either because they're prudes or I don't know). Sex isn't important to me. Never has been, never will be. I don't care.

I don't need to stick my dick into someone to be happy.

I don't need a girlfriend to make me happy.

I have alcohol for that. Maybe that's why lately I've been such a crabby son-of-a-bitch. I might convert back to being an alcoholic and as long as I can sleep better at night not feel TOO guilty for it.