Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm tired of giving my heart to people who don't deserve it. I'm done... with everyone on a romantic level at least for a little bit. And I'm not going to go back to the girl who has my heart right now. I'm taking that shit back and reserving it for someone who isn't going to fuck me over around every corner.

I'm so sick of empty girls. That's all I meet anymore. That's all I run into. That's all I find myself getting involved with anymore. I should be gay, but unfortunately my mind doesn't work that way. Women (some) just are too beautiful and alluring to me. I think that could be why they seem to have the most dramatic and overly destructive effect on me.



I hope you slip in the shower and crack your head open on the tub and bleed everywhere. I hope you have a goddamn concussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People are empty and cold and mean and GRRR!