So it's incredibly nice today for once in Erie, PA. I'm definitely surprised. I didn't think it'd be this warm out for another month or so because it's been so cold and gloomy and rainy. But things are looking up! I no longer want to kill myself because of the weather's affect on my mood.
Work has been a beast today though. I'm barely having any time to write this. There's been so much shit to do today and all at once and it piles on. I've got a break right now to breathe. I haven't even eaten lunch. I'll write more later. BACK TO WORK!
Part II:
So I'm home from work and it's about 9:38 at night. I didn't want to post a new blog since I didn;t write much on this earlier so I'm adding instead. Of course, I'm still listening to Billy Joel right now but I might listen to something new here soon.
Fact: I worked a lot today. I talked to a lot of customers and did some presentations on some cars. I probably looked like an asshole because I didn't have time to shave my face this morning and I'm going on three fucking days but it's all good. I have a good personality and that's what matters I guess. I made six hundred phone calls (seemingly) today. I typed four deals into the database today. Basically I busted my ass today. Which is okay because my job fucking rules. But I'm tired.
I haven't had sex in almost 5 months. I haven't kissed a girl in two. I feel emotionally disconnected from anything. It's a good thing and a bad thing. On one hand I'm completely free and on the other I'm craving attention. What sucks is I have crushes and get crushed on by girls that don't fit my criteria or can't be what I need. Frustrating.
That might be about all I have for the day. Too tired to write anymore.
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