Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Something to chew on...


So here it is... bewitching hour at work. I'm looking at the clock every fifteen minutes to see if it's time to leave. Good news is I didn't smoke too many cigarettes today just to pass the time. I've just been sitting here working on the format of my blogger and listening to some broxcore to keep my day moving along, which is has been very nicely.

My life has been overwhelmed and taken over bythe video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, a game in which you play as Darth Vader's secret apprentice, toting a lightsaber around the universe and assassinating Jedi who didn't die at the time of Order 66. I have to say, it's a very addictive and challenging game and it offers a lot when it comes to storylines. I'm pretty glad that I picked it up and started playing it. This is what pretty much provoked my blog questioning the morals of the Jedi and the Sith. I simply think that Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were the corrupt forces in the Empire, not the Empire itself. Still, I love running around cutting up Stormtroopers! :)

Lately I've been listening to the band Anberlin a lot, their newest release, actually: New Surrender. I think it's a typical Anberlin album which you might think wouldn't say a whole lot, but those of you who are new to the music of Anberlin don't quite know how fucking AMAZING Anberlin is. By saying that it's a typical Anberlin album, I'm actually giving it a good review seeing as they are an extremely talented band. One of the songs ("The Feel Good Drag") is even a revised and rerecorded version of a song they had one a previous album, but revamped (I think they gave it some balls in some parts but they took away the screaming so its lacking in that department). If you have a chance, give this a listen! You won't be disappointed. If you don't like Anberlin, go swallow a knife.

I've thought a lot lately about my fascination with the undead. For those of you who don't know I am a HUGE zombies fan. Movies, books, the whole works. What I have come down to is this: I don't know. I really don't! When I think about it and try and give an explicit reason why I just laugh and say: "Because they're awesome!" I probably wasted your time with this paragraph.

I'll write more later. I always say that, I know. But I really have no idea what else to say. Ciao!

1 comment:

ariel melanie said...

ew. why does your blog look better than mine. how'd you do that?
the revised version of 'the feel good drag' is better, BTW.