Saturday, April 25, 2009

I post nothing but garbage.

Sorry that my posts have been so lackluster lately. I actually do have an excuse for it. It may be feasable to you, it might not but I've been feeling emotionally distressed just because I feel so alone in this city anymore. It's not like I couldn't go out and find people to hang out with but if I did I would probably end up on drugs and being a complete waste of life, which is something that I feel isn't for me. However I have no problem with destroying my liver and rotting out my teeth with rum and coke at my very own discretion. Drugs and alcohol don't mix very well though so if I were on them it'd kind of fuck up my entire routine; something I'm definitely NOT down with.

Edward Cullen WOOWOOWOOOOOOOOOOO! Who the fuck cares?!

I stopped buying comic books again because the prices of cigarettes shot through the roof. I need to quit smoking so that I can enjoy Ultimate Spider-man and Dark Reign some more! Goddamn it! I have no idea why I find it so hard to find the discipline in myself to quit.

So this dude just walked into my work and he has an incredibly long beard. I think he is a true wizard. And judging from the length, he must be VERY powerful. I wish that I had a photograph of this fellow.

I'm kind of hungry. I would like to have some burritos from Taco Bell right about now. For some reason this beast within me craves this Mexican-American delicacy and when it gets this hunger it refuses to back down. It refuses to submit to starvation and it breaks out and goes wild. Someone's going to need to attain a taser baton in order to quell this beast. The only way I can contain it is by smoking a cigarette every ten minutes to kill my appetite. Billy Joel and Saves The Day are keeping my soul in check with their beautiful melodies. :)

I find it incredible how much I use sticky notes on a daily basis.

Someday I'm going to count how many times I use the word "I" in an entire post. It's a lot, this is for sure.

Oh Brina. :)

1 comment:

ariel melanie said...

I love how you mentioned edward cullen today. ITS GETTING BETTER! omg im worried, did your balls really drop off???