Friday, April 17, 2009

Dinosaurs still live!

I have a crush. :)

That's all you need to know about that.

I got all of Travis Bryant's solo material last night and I'm excited. It's all I've been listening to. He's such a talented guy. It makes jealous but at the same time it makes me want to push myself musically. I need an acoustic guitar (and a piano) so badly so I can start work on this solo project that I have envisioned.

They need to figure out how to use coffee as an alternative fuel source... I'm sure it's possible because I've drank so much that my mind is racing and I can't stop double-bassing my foot-tapping. Coffee could be used as fucking rocket fuel, I'm sure.

Work, work, and more work. That's all I ever do. That's all I ever WANT to do. Anything to keep me busy. Anything to keep me from thinking too much because when that happens I fuck everything up. I just need to keep busy and go with the flow and let everything fall into place. Then I'll be happy.

I have a fucking sore throat from hell today. Hopefully I'll get over it and not get any more sick. I HATE being sick and I don't get sick often because my immune system is impecable.

I don't have much to write so I'll have to update this thing later. But that's what's up.

1 comment:

ariel melanie said...


and i agree
once you get a piano, guitar
you can put your solo material
on pure volume
or MySpace.