Monday, April 13, 2009

Strange, sad, and true.

I had this dream. It wasn't a nightmare. It was sad though but it's true. This is what I've broken it down to:

I'm the type of guy that every girl needs, but none of them want. Why? Because I'm like... the perfect boyfriend. I'm compassionate, I'm considerate, I'm lovable, I'm accepting, I'm intelligent and I'm honest. Physically, I'm good looking, I know how to kiss, and I don't "fuck" but I put a lot of emotion into physical affection making it "lovemaking" and not just something I do to get off.

Girls don't want the perfect boyfriend. They want some asshole that they go through bullshit with. They want someone that they can complain to all of their friends about but at the end of the day end up sleeping beside. Girls want sweet-talkers who can't back up their words. I DON'T tell people what they want to hear. I tell them how it is. The problem with that is I'm skeptical about lying my way into someone's heart.

My problem is I'm too good for a lot of the girls that I go after. And they don't realize it until they have no other option but to face that reality. But once I do win the battle and get to them, some fucking asshole who is (obviously, too) completely inferior to me comes along and wins the war. It's completely ridiculous. It hurts. It sucks. But that's how it is.

And then the people who she surrounds herself with are even left clueless, shrugging their shoulders and telling me that she's stupid and they can't see why she did that. They sympathize with me and say she's just going through a phase or something. Come to think of it, I think her friends come to like me more in the end than she even did. And they tell me things like: "Don't give up. You two have something special and I know things will work out between you two because you're exactly what she NEEDS. Not necessarily what she wants but time will tell on this."

So every time I see her, something happens. We make out. We sleep close together. We wake up, she leaves, things change. I don't see her for weeks but then she calls me to go to a movie. Same thing happens. She has a boyfriend. Same thing happens. Her boyfriend finds out and gets pissed. She does it again just to spite him. She isn't allowed to see me anymore. We hang out anyways behind his back and things are a little awkward. She doesn't want to cheat on him but ends up doing so anyways. We don't talk for a while after this but a month later she calls me and we do. Same thing happens. She's not satisfied with her relationship. I tell her to just leave him but she doesn't. Over and over again.

I date someone else. I don't cheat. I don't advocate cheating. The first girl comes around and I break it off with the person I'm dating. We have our time. Potentially good relationship is ruined.

This has actually happened. All of this in some sense. It's weird that I just had a dream about it. The girl I went through this with wasn't in the dream... it was someone else but the same general idea happened. It was strange, sad, and true.

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