Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh what the fuck?!

I really wish that I could prosper in a town or a city different than the one that I do. I wish I could thrive in the suburbs of a major city where people are friendly and there's a sense of community. This is something that the great metropolis of Erie, Pennsylvania is lacking. It's cold. It's lonely. Everyone is pissed-off all the time. The scenery is terrible.

"I'm going to take a walk through the woods and think about mow much I hate my life."

Factuality is (yes, I combined two words and for whatever reason spell checker is NOT underlining it), I need to get out. Days, weeks, months, years... anything. Have you ever lived the same day fifty days in a row? Well that's how it's been since I got here. Since I arrived in this miserable, snowy shithole of Erie, PA.

The only good thing is that this town would definitely make me an amazing songwriter. Because there is nothing better to do than sit around and reflect on my emotions. I'll give it some time before I'm cranking out the hits like Pat Monahan (who is a fucking douchebag if you ask me). I'll give you drops of Jupiter, you asshole... in the form of a fist in your goddamn mouth for not being able to sing but still rising to rock superstardom. This asshole came to my school and told us how we can be successful if we shoot for our dreams, but I'm sure that once his band gets cycled out and he becomes a delusional, washed up rock star everything will change.

You'll soon be sucking dick for coke, Pat Monahan. Soon.

On another note I need to save up my money for a new investment when it comes to my technology: an external hard drive. My laptop is being slowed down by the insane amount of music and downloaded anime that I have on it. My Zune, however is half full which I don't understand... I must be missing something.

I just ate a healthy lunch for once instead of filling my arteries with McGoodness. Thank god... because whenever I eat fast food it makes me feel like shit for the rest of the day.

I also showed one of my coworkers this:

I didn't want to put the actual video on here because it's stupid and not worth the effort or time but I got THE BEST reaction out of him that I have ever seen from that. Have you ever seen someone curl up in fear from something? This is the case. Now I'm afraid he's in his office planning and plotting to get me back for this. But I don't care. The reaction that I got from him was priceless and I was IN TEARS laughing so hard. My dad was laughing just as hard as I was because he sat in on the whole thing.

80% of Slipknot's music videos take place on farm land.

I don't have much else to say. If I think of something I'll bring it here and note it.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I'm sick of fucking Indian Trail...I've been in the same area since I was 10. I moved to Matthews to get away from it but then my office moved from Matthews to Indian Trail! I can't stay away...I WILL be living in another state by the time I'm 25. I feel like shit when I eat fast food too...and for the record, FUCK Pat Monahan.