Well, aside from my escape plan from this accursed city that I call home right now. Fuck this place though. Just... fuck it.
For a while I was working really hard on my novel. And as I was writing it I really really liked it but when I went and read it back in its entirety, I was bored. Granted, I haven't gone back and redone it yet which is what my MO was in the beginning: to write a rough draft and then go back and insert the curveballs or whatever. Maybe when I do that, it'll be much more interesting? I'm not sure. But then again I AM the person writing it and I do know the meaning behind every little hidden thing so maybe I shouldn't sweat it too much?
I've already drank WAY too much fucking coffee for today. AHHHHHH!
Seven months I think... no sex. In a way I'm like "wow this is awesome!" and in another I'm like "fuck... I really want it." I hate being a human being. I guess if I had one goal it would be to transcend being human and have no vices or urges or instincts and just be some all powerful fucking awesome person. Hahaha... I need to ask Jim Morrison in a desert with his naked indian.
CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT! My favorite swear word. Also, the accurate descriptive word for 98% of the female population in the world. :P
I want to paint a picture. Of a naked man eating an apple but getting a spear thrown through his head and a gundam bin the background laughing at him. But penises are ugly. So I would make this man asexual. Take that fucker's pride right away from him.
I STILL believe in Harvey Dent.
I'll see you in Hell motherfucker.
1 comment:
I fucking love you.
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