Monday, July 13, 2009


I'm not convinced that unicorns don't exist. Well, they might be extinct, but I don't think that they never existed. Why? Because of their magical horns. In order to fully utilize the magical horn, you needed to grind it up into dust. That's why there are so many fossils of dead horses and not unicorns. Who wouldn't want to have magical unicorn horn dust? You'd be out of your mind to not want that!

I talk to Katie all day every day now and I think it's whats keeping me sane anymore because I'm sort of in a slump and a bad position because I want to get out on my own. I NEED to get out on my own but right now it's not a possibility because I don't have the money or a stable enough job to support myself. I feel like the longer I stay with my parents (or my dad and his girlfriend), the more and more I get in the way of things. So I try to avoid them because I feel guilty. But then I get shit for it.

Oh yeah... Pegasus is dead. Yeah. Believe it. There was only one and no, you can't have one. I wish I could though. You have no idea how much pussy a winged horse could get you! That's so fucking elegant!

The playlist consists of music that I listened to when I was in high school. Even earlier than that actually. I miss when Hydra Head and Drive-Thru actually had good bands on their rosters. I don't miss Victory records at all. They can go fuck themselves. But Hydra Head, Equal Vision, and Drive Thru... pretty much ruled my fucking life. Tooth and Nail too. And THEY even suck now. But they have Solid State which is pretty legit. FUCK RISE RECORDS. Ugh...

I was looking up what it would take to build a real gundam. And I was surprised to find that all of the technology that would be required to do it actually exists. Maybe not the "Phase Shift" armor from SEED, but all the other practical stuff. I don't think that they would ever build a nuclear-powered exoskeleton though. They'd have to build something with a battery that can hold a ton of power. I'd also think that they would make them smaller too due to them being easier to manuever and everything. Plus the propulsion system would be ungodly.

Anyways... I'm going back to bed. So I can dream of unicorns.

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