Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh hell...

I need to update this more. I feel bad though because I have nothing to update it with and it's sad because I'm constantly reminded about how nothing is ever going on in my life anymore and I doubt that anyone cares anymore. Not a whole lot goes my way. It sucks but whatever. I've decided to take a huge step to change my life and turn it around.

So I'm applying to go to college in Chicago. Which is far from anywhere that I have any sort of ties. I have friends in Chicago and I used to have family there but I have never personally lived there before. But it's one of the top places where I would want to live out of anywhere else really. And I think that while I'm going to school there it'd be a good place to help me find myself a little more and refine what I know.

I watched No Country For Old Men last night. I'm still pumped from it. One of my new favorite movies. I'm surprised I didn't watch that movie long before last night because I'm a big fan of pretty much anything that the Coen Brothers do.

Other than those two things, nothing is new. I'm still in the same fucking miserable boat that I've been in for how long? It's not fun but I'll get out of it.

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