Today has been a cold and windy day where I reside. After a weekend of beautiful sunshine and summer-esque temperatures. My Tuesday was a cold and rainy day. Good things are never meant to last I suppose.
One concept that I've been thinking about lately that I think is magnificent is reflex. Like when you're young and you put your hand on a hot burner, and then when it burns you, you pull it back without even thinking about it. After the fact, when you do it you're at least hesitant about it even if it isn't hot. You're careful and aware of the potential danger that lies in that hot coil burner. This is a metaphor of my love life for the past year and a half. Sip that coffee slowly so as not to burn your tongue.
People keep on asking me for an elaborate list of authors that I take influence from or enjoy. I'm going to get on making a VERY elaborate list someday, but for the record:
Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway, Hubert Selby Jr., Chuck Palahniuk, William Faulkner, Octavio Paz, Hermann Hesse, Kahlil Gibran, David Eggers, Milan Kundera, Stephen Chbosky. I'm forgetting a lot but again, this is just an on-the-spot list. When I can think more about it and make a better list, then you'll get it. Right now I am tired and at work and pissed-off at the fact.
Speaking of which, I need to go to the library or the bookstore (the latter once I get paid) and pick up some literature get stimulate my mind because it's been a while since I've read anything. I think the last thing I read was one of my friend's (at the time) copy of "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" by Tucker Max, which is an awesome book but it's not by any means inspirational. It's about as inspirational as a drunken conversation with a bunch of guys about how much ass they've gotten. Because that's precisely what the fucking book is about. It's not educational at all.
Currently playing on the Zune: "Jupiter" by Cave In.
I have no idea how my clothes get wrinkled every day when I iron them and hang them up every day. Like, seriously... What the fuck? I'm like "Alright, I have my clothes all ironed and ready for work tomorrow. They're lint-rolled and everything." No. When I put them on, I look down at a wrinkled mess. I don't get it. Maybe there is a God up there, and he just hates my guts.
Everyone has this quote on their pages anymore and it's annoying:
"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
First of all: What the fuck does that even mean? And why the surge in popularity in the phrase now? I think everyone got tired of seeing Heath Ledger's Joker and decided to go back in time and ruin the only good Joker (in my opinion) that there ever was too. Thanks a lot.
Suddenly I'm scene because I have long hair and wear girls jeans. People need to stop basing their opinions of other people on stereotypes. Seriously.
No sex in 4 months and 6 days. Abstinence rules.
(Yes, I did infer to Walt Disney being God).
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