Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Old "About Me."

My name is Daniel Jacobitz. I reside on the shores of Lake Erie in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, making my home in the township of Millcreek. Most of what I learned about life I learned in city of Charlotte, North Carolina. In every sense of the word I am an artist with formal training in both music and literature, the latter of which I never use because I would much rather be a trashy writer than a formal yet boring one. I sleep with my head at the foot of the bed rather than the more “conventional” way and my garments are arranged in my drawers by type and color. My handwriting is almost always in cursive and it is atrocious. I was named after my father’s best friend and my cousin and my last name is Slavic and hardly ever pronounced correctly. Most days you’ll be able to find me with my nose in a book sipping on delicious warm tea or you’ll interrupt me in the middle of a nap. My house is haunted, I’m convinced. I’m not particularly the best at showing my feelings so I write and when I choose to or not I share it with people. I’m often referred to as a gifted, talented, brilliant individual who is filled with a lot of heart and compassion. I simply deny the fact and state that “I’m only human.” I have one phobia: of bodies of water. Bathtubs don’t bother me. I used to be a sheep for the slaughter until I realized there is no point in living your life by the standards of others. I still delight in the things that I loved when I was a child. I have a dog named Bear who is a king german shepherd and most people cringe at the sight of him but he really is just a gentle giant. Night time is beautiful to me, as are rainy days. I bite my nails a lot but I suppose that’s not as bad of a habit as smoking cigarettes, which I also do. I’m considerably older than my siblings and as the firstborn I am the “fuck up” child. Pella, Iowa is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, especially when it rains at night time. I’m lacking the stereotypical male sexual appetite but I believe sex has an important role in romantic relationships. I believe that the love you have for one person cannot be exceeded by or compared to the love you have for another, but I believe that love teaches you more about yourself than it does about someone else. I have a preference for recycled clothing but not recycled knowledge. People tell me all the time that just about anything that comes out of my mouth that doesn’t have the word “fuck” in it is poetic. Some call me insane but I beg to differ stating that THEY are the ones who are lacking in sanity, not I. By looking at me you’d think that I had some sort of eating disorder, which I don’t. Don’t ask me for diet tips either because I’m just as baffled by it as you are. I advocate against superficiality and I support individualism strongly being an Existentialist in both philosophy and lifestyle. Yes, this means that I don’t believe in God but I have no problem with people who do. I hope that this "About Me" was enough to satisfy you. I hate talking about myself, and after reading this you can probably see why.

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