Monday, March 30, 2009

Adjective is a noun...

WOW! I'm really slacking behind when it comes to updating this thing!

It's okay because no one reads this anyways. Well actually, I think SOME people read this because I have friends who have friends who are interested in this sort of thing. It doesn't help when fucking Myspace disables the links to it. They're just jealous. Those fucks.

So I'm sitting here... it's 2:22 as I look a the clock and I should be in bed. Because I have to go to my stupid job and sell stupid people stupid cars tomorrow and in the meantime read stupid books about stupid new cars made in stupid Korea (I'M JUST KIDDING! Korea isn't stupid. Unless we're talking about North Korea, who are fucking idiots).

But I'm sitting here with a box of oreos and a cup of water and I'm craving a cigarette. I always am when I write these things! I think it's because they take up a longer period of time than the intervals I have between smoking. I don't know.

The answer is this: Rockband. That game has changed my life for the better. I can now sing and match my voice to little lines, I can play fake drums (and somehow double bass with one pedal) and I can shred the guitar in one position. So the question is this: Where are the fuckin' groupies at? I'm in the biggest band in the world and I can't even get a groupie?!

The answer to THAT is simple... none of the songs on Rockband go "Bree bree bree" which these days we all know is the only way to land yourself between the legs of a girl with overly straightened fake hair, a tutu, stupid black leggings, a bring me the horizon t-shirt and Chuck Taylor high tops. The ONLY way. Unless you've got SICK FUCKIN' DANCY PARTS!!! in your songs.

I need a drink.

Neon Genesis Evangelion made me think. I need to eat more oreos so that I can get my synchronization level up.

In my poetry and writing blog I put up some old posts from my Myspace because I felt that they belonged there and also because I took them down off of my Myspace.

So uhhhh that's about it! Have a good one!

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